The web is a fantastic platform that transformed our society. In the span of two decades, browsers went from rendering texts and images to becoming massive software filled with advanced technology and multimedia capabilities. From a security and privacy perspective, a lot has changed by making our communications more private and by providing proper isolation between components. But are these changes always positive? Is the web evolving too quickly to the detriment of users and their online privacy? In this presentation, we will see that the answer can be complex where innovation, privacy and legislation consistently counterbalance one another.

Speaker's Biography: Pierre Laperdrix is currently a research scientist for CNRS in the Spirals team in the CRIStAL laboratory in Lille, France. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the PragSec lab at Stony Brook University and, after, in the Secure Web Applications Group at CISPA. His research interests span several areas of security and privacy with a strong focus on the web. One of his main goal is to understand what is happening on the web to ultimately design countermeasures to better protect users online.

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