Angela Sasse

Prof. Angela Sasse will reflect on what knowledge can be gathered from the research that has been published on Usable Security and Privacy, and what tangible changes this knowledge has made to user experience of security. She will review how usable security and privacy has often been misunderstood as a path to make users adhere to security and privacy rules that experts deem necessary, which explains why user sentiments towards security remains largely negative. However, she is optimistic that user-centered design will help understand user requirements for security and identify their preferred ways of achieving it.

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Exploring Phishing Threats through QR Codes in Naturalistic Settings

Filipo Sharevski (DePaul University), Mattia Mossano, Maxime Fabian Veit, Gunther Schiefer, Melanie Volkamer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

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Why People Still Fall for Phishing Emails: An Empirical...

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VPN Awareness and Misconceptions: A Comparative Study in Canadian...

Lachlan Moore, Tatsuya Mori (Waseda University, NICT)

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MacOS versus Microsoft Windows: A Study on the Cybersecurity...

Cem Topcuoglu (Northeastern University), Andrea Martinez (Florida International University), Abbas Acar (Florida International University), Selcuk Uluagac (Florida International University), Engin Kirda (Northeastern University)

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