Harry Halpin (Nym Technologies)

In this study, we overview the problems associated with the usability of cryptocurrency wallets, such as those used by ZCash, for end-users. The concept of “holistic privacy,” where information leaks in one part of a system can violate the privacy expectations of different parts of the system, is introduced as a requirement. To test this requirement with real-world software, we did a 60 person task-based evaluation of the usability of a ZCash cryptocurrency wallet by having users install and try to both send and receive anonymized ZCash transactions, as well as install a VPN and Tor. While the initial wallet installation was difficult, we found even a larger amount of difficulty integrating the ZCash wallet into network-level protection like VPNs or Tor, so only a quarter of users could complete a real-world purchase using the wallet.

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RandRunner: Distributed Randomness from Trapdoor VDFs with Strong Uniqueness

Philipp Schindler (SBA Research), Aljosha Judmayer (SBA Research), Markus Hittmeir (SBA Research), Nicholas Stifter (SBA Research, TU Wien), Edgar Weippl (Universität Wien)

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HTTPS-Only: Upgrading all connections to https: in Web Browsers

Christoph Kerschbaumer, Julian Gaibler, Arthur Edelstein (Mozilla Corporation), Thyla van der Merwey (ETH Zurich)

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Replication: Do We Snooze If We Can't Lose? Modelling...

Karoline Busse (University of Bonn); Dominik Wermke (Leibniz University Hannover); Sabrina Amft (University of Bonn); Sascha Fahl (Leibniz University Hannover); Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Matthew Smith (University of Bonn)

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