Zachariah Threet (Tennessee Tech), Christos Papadopoulos (University of Memphis), Proyash Poddar (Florida International University), Alex Afanasyev (Florida International University), William Lambert (Tennessee Tech), Haley Burnell (Tennessee Tech), Sheikh Ghafoor (Tennessee Tech) and Susmit Shannigrahi (Tennessee Tech)

Data-centric architectures are a candidate for in-vehicle communication. They add naming standardization, data provenance, security, and improve interoperability between different ECUs and networks. In this demo, We demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of data-centric architectures through Named Data Networking (NDN). We deploy a bench-top testbed using Raspberry PIs and replay real CAN data.

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Detecting CAN Masquerade Attacks with Signal Clustering Similarity

Pablo Moriano (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Robert A. Bridges (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) and Michael D. Iannacone (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

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Demo #3: Detecting Illicit Drone Video Filming Using Cryptanalysis

Ben Nassi, Raz Ben-Netanel (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), Adi Shamir (Weizmann Institute of Science), and Yuval Elovic (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

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Chunked-Cache: On-Demand and Scalable Cache Isolation for Security Architectures

Ghada Dessouky (Technical University of Darmstadt), Emmanuel Stapf (Technical University of Darmstadt), Pouya Mahmoody (Technical University of Darmstadt), Alexander Gruler (Technical University of Darmstadt), Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (Technical University of Darmstadt)

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