Dongyao Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Mert D. Pesé (Clemson University), Kang G. Shin (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

ZOOX Best Paper Award Winner ($500 cash prize)!

Driving apps, such as navigation, fuel-price, and road services, have been deployed and used widely. The car-related nature of these services may motivate them to infer the type of their users’ vehicles. We first apply systematic analytics on real-world apps to show that the vehicle-type — seemingly unharmful — information may have serious privacy implications. Next, we demonstrate that attackers can harvest the features of these mobile apps to infer the car-type information in a stealthy way. Specifically, we explore the use of zero-permission mobile motion sensors to extract spectral features for differentiating the engines and body types of vehicles. Based on our experimental results of 17 different cars, we have achieved 82+% and 85+% overall accuracy in identifying three major engine types and four popular body types, respectively.

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BANS: Evaluation of Bystander Awareness Notification Systems for Productivity...

Shady Mansour (LMU Munich), Pascal Knierim (Universitat Innsbruck), Joseph O’Hagan (University of Glasgow), Florian Alt (University of the Bundeswehr Munich), Florian Mathis (University of Glasgow)

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POSE: Practical Off-chain Smart Contract Execution

Tommaso Frassetto (Technical University of Darmstadt), Patrick Jauernig (Technical University of Darmstadt), David Koisser (Technical University of Darmstadt), David Kretzler (Technical University of Darmstadt), Benjamin Schlosser (Technical University of Darmstadt), Sebastian Faust (Technical University of Darmstadt), Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (Technical University of Darmstadt)

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REDsec: Running Encrypted Discretized Neural Networks in Seconds

Lars Wolfgang Folkerts (University of Delaware), Charles Gouert (University of Delaware), Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos (University of Delaware)

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Understanding the Ethical Frameworks of Internet Measurement Studies

Eric Pauley and Patrick McDaniel (University of Wisconsin–Madison)

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