Matthew Revelle, Matt Parker, Kevin Orr (Kudu Dynamics)

Blaze is an open-source binary analysis framework that supports the construction and manipulation of inter-procedural control-flow graphs (ICFGs) and type checking on a lifted representation of program binaries. All analyses in Blaze are implemented in terms of a typed intermediate language—Path Intermediate Language (PIL). Blaze includes a unification-based type checker for PIL which is used to support the generation of SMT formulas and type inference. Blaze has been used to develop tools for reverse engineering and vulnerability discovery and provides a foundation for exploring the use of type systems and higher-level abstractions in the analysis of program binaries. This paper provides an overview of Blaze’s implementation, capabilities, and applications.

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Binary Code Patching: An Ancient Art Refined for the...

Dr. Barton P. Miller (Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor at The University of Wisconsin-Madison)

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Tactics, Threats & Targets: Modeling Disinformation and its Mitigation

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