Ron Marcovich, Orna Grumberg, Gabi Nakibly (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology)

protocol from a binary code that implements it. This process is useful in cases such as extraction of the command and control protocol of a malware, uncovering security vulnerabilities in a network protocol implementation or verifying conformance to the protocol’s standard. Protocol inference usually involves time-consuming work to manually reverse engineer the binary code.

We present a novel method to automatically infer state machine of a network protocol and its message formats directly from the binary code. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first method to achieve this solely based on a binary code of a single peer. We do not assume any of the following: access to a remote peer, access to captures of the protocol’s traffic, and prior knowledge of message formats. The method leverages extensions to symbolic execution and novel modifications to automata learning. We validate the proposed method by inferring real-world protocols including the C&C protocol of Gh0st RAT, a well-known malware

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Parakeet: Practical Key Transparency for End-to-End Encrypted Messaging

Harjasleen Malvai (UIUC/IC3), Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias (IST Austria), Alberto Sonnino (Mysten Labs), Esha Ghosh (Microsoft Research), Ercan Oztürk (Meta), Kevin Lewi (Meta), Sean Lawlor (Meta)

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SURGEON: Performant, Flexible and Accurate Re-Hosting via Transplantation

Florian Hofhammer (EPFL), Marcel Busch (EPFL), Qinying Wang (EPFL and Zhejiang University), Manuel Egele (Boston University), Mathias Payer (EPFL)

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Ethical Challenges in Blockchain Network Measurement Research

Yuzhe Tang (Syracuse University), Kai Li (San Diego State University), and Yibo Wang and Jiaqi Chen (Syracuse University)

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Trim My View: An LLM-Based Code Query System for...

Sima Arasteh (University of Southern California), Pegah Jandaghi, Nicolaas Weideman (University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute), Dennis Perepech, Mukund Raghothaman (University of Southern California), Christophe Hauser (Dartmouth College), Luis Garcia (University of Utah Kahlert School of Computing)

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