Paul Agbaje, Abraham Mookhoek, Afia Anjum, Arkajyoti Mitra (University of Texas at Arlington), Mert D. Pesé (Clemson University), Habeeb Olufowobi (University of Texas at Arlington)

Millions of lives are lost due to road accidents each year, emphasizing the importance of improving driver safety measures. In addition, physical vehicle security is a persistent challenge exacerbated by the growing interconnectivity of vehicles, allowing adversaries to engage in vehicle theft and compromising driver privacy. The integration of advanced sensors with internet connectivity has ushered in the era of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), enabling vehicles to generate abundant data that facilitates diverse vehicular applications. These data can also provide insights into driver behavior, enabling effective driver monitoring to support safety and security. In this paper, we propose AutoWatch, a graph-based approach for modeling the behavior of drivers, verifying the identity of the driver, and detecting unsafe driving maneuvers. Our evaluation shows that AutoWatch can improve driver identification accuracy by up to 22% and driving maneuver classification by up to 5.7% compared to baseline techniques.

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WIP: Augmenting Vehicle Safety With Passive BLE

Noah T. Curran (University of Michigan), Kang G. Shin (University of Michigan), William Hass (Lear Corporation), Lars Wolleschensky (Lear Corporation), Rekha Singoria (Lear Corporation), Isaac Snellgrove (Lear Corporation), Ran Tao (Lear Corporation)

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Large Language Model guided Protocol Fuzzing

Ruijie Meng (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Martin Mirchev (National University of Singapore), Marcel Böhme (MPI-SP, Germany and Monash University, Australia), Abhik Roychoudhury (National University of Singapore)

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DEMASQ: Unmasking the ChatGPT Wordsmith

Kavita Kumari (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Alessandro Pegoraro (Technical University of Darmstadt), Hossein Fereidooni (Technische Universität Darmstadt), Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (Technical University of Darmstadt)

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Vision: An Exploration of Online Toxic Content Against Refugees

Arjun Arunasalam (Purdue University), Habiba Farrukh (University of California, Irvine), Eliz Tekcan (Purdue University), Z. Berkay Celik (Purdue University)

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