Leon Kersten (TU Eindhoven)
A Test Tool to Evaluate the Skill Sets of Tier-1 Security Analysts in a SOC Environment: A Case Study from Recruitment to Operations
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Target-Centric Firmware Rehosting with Penguin
Andrew Fasano, Zachary Estrada, Luke Craig, Ben Levy, Jordan McLeod, Jacques Becker, Elysia Witham, Cole DiLorenzo, Caden Kline, Ali Bobi (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Dinko Dermendzhiev (Georgia Institute of Technology), Tim Leek (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), William Robertson (Northeastern University)
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Ruixuan Li (Choudhury), Chaithanya Naik Mude (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Sanjay Das (The University of Texas at Dallas), Preetham Chandra Tikkireddi (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Swamit Tannu (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Kanad Basu (University of Texas at Dallas)
Read MoreCtrl+Alt+Deceive: Quantifying User Exposure to Online Scams
Platon Kotzias (Norton Research Group, BforeAI), Michalis Pachilakis (Norton Research Group, Computer Science Department University of Crete), Javier Aldana Iuit (Norton Research Group), Juan Caballero (IMDEA Software Institute), Iskander Sanchez-Rola (Norton Research Group), Leyla Bilge (Norton Research Group)
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Ran Elgedawy (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville), John Sadik (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Anuj Gautam (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Trinity Bissahoyo (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Christopher Childress (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Jacob Leonard (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Clay Shubert (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Scott Ruoti (The University of Tennessee,…
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