Srivatsan Sridhar (Stanford University), Onur Ascigil (Lancaster University), Navin Keizer (University College London), François Genon (UCLouvain), Sébastien Pierre (UCLouvain), Yiannis Psaras (Protocol Labs), Etienne Riviere (UCLouvain), Michał Król (City, University of London)

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is currently the largest decentralized storage solution in operation, with thousands of active participants and millions of daily content transfers. IPFS is used as remote data storage for numerous blockchain-based smart contracts, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), and decentralized applications.

We present a content censorship attack that can be executed with minimal effort and cost, and that prevents the retrieval of any chosen content in the IPFS network. The attack exploits a conceptual issue in a core component of IPFS, the Kademlia Distributed Hash Table (DHT), which is used to resolve content IDs to peer addresses. We provide efficient detection and mitigation mechanisms for this vulnerability. Our mechanisms achieve a 99.6% detection rate and mitigate 100% of the detected attacks with minimal signaling and computational overhead. We followed responsible disclosure procedures, and our countermeasures are scheduled for deployment in the future versions of IPFS.

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TEE-SHirT: Scalable Leakage-Free Cache Hierarchies for TEEs

Kerem Arikan (Binghamton University), Abraham Farrell (Binghamton University), Williams Zhang Cen (Binghamton University), Jack McMahon (Binghamton University), Barry Williams (Binghamton University), Yu David Liu (Binghamton University), Nael Abu-Ghazaleh (University of California, Riverside), Dmitry Ponomarev (Binghamton University)

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GTrans: Graph Transformer-Based Obfuscation-resilient Binary Code Similarity Detection

Yun Zhang (Hunan University), Yuling Liu (Hunan University), Ge Cheng (Xiangtan University), Bo Ou (Hunan University)

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Modeling and Detecting Internet Censorship Events

Elisa Tsai (University of Michigan), Ram Sundara Raman (University of Michigan), Atul Prakash (University of Michigan), Roya Ensafi (University of Michigan)

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Unus pro omnibus: Multi-Client Searchable Encryption via Access Control

Jiafan Wang (Data61, CSIRO), Sherman S. M. Chow (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

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