Florian Kerschbaum (University of Waterloo), Erik-Oliver Blass (Airbus), Rasoul Akhavan Mahdavi (University of Waterloo)

In a Private section intersection (PSI) protocol, Alice and Bob compute the intersection of their respective sets without disclosing any element not in the intersection. PSI protocols have been extensively studied in the literature and are deployed in industry. With state-of-the-art protocols achieving optimal asymptotic complexity, performance improvements are rare and can only improve complexity constants. In this paper, we present a new private, extremely efficient comparison protocol that leads to a PSI protocol with low constants. A useful property of our comparison protocol is that it can be divided into an online and an offline phase. All expensive cryptographic operations are performed during the offline phase, and the online phase performs only four fast field operations per comparison. This leads to an incredibly fast online phase, and our evaluation shows that it outperforms related work, including KKRT (CCS'16), VOLE-PSI (EuroCrypt'21), and OKVS (Crypto'21). We also evaluate standard approaches to implement the offline phase using different trust assumptions: cryptographic, hardware, and a third party ("dealer model").

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Lightning Community Shout-Outs to:

(1) Jonathan Petit, Secure ML Performance Benchmark (Qualcomm) (2) David Balenson, The Road to Future Automotive Research Datasets: PIVOT Project and Community Workshop (USC Information Sciences Institute) (3) Jeremy Daily, CyberX Challenge Events (Colorado State University) (4) Mert D. Pesé, DETROIT: Data Collection, Translation and Sharing for Rapid Vehicular App Development (Clemson University) (5) Ning…

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I Still Know What You Watched Last Sunday: Privacy...

Carlotta Tagliaro (TU Wien), Florian Hahn (University of Twente), Riccardo Sepe (Guess Europe Sagl), Alessio Aceti (Sababa Security SpA), Martina Lindorfer (TU Wien)

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Folk Models of Misinformation on Social Media

Filipo Sharevski (DePaul University), Amy Devine (DePaul University), Emma Pieroni (DePaul University), Peter Jachim (DePaul University)

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