Madura A. Shelton (University of Adelaide), Niels Samwel (Radboud University), Lejla Batina (Radboud University), Francesco Regazzoni (University of Amsterdam and ALaRI – USI), Markus Wagner (University of Adelaide), Yuval Yarom (University of Adelaide and Data61)

Since their introduction over two decades ago, side-channel attacks have presented a serious security threat. While many ciphers’ implementations employ masking techniques to protect against such attacks, they often leak secret information due to unintended interactions in the hardware. We present Rosita, a code rewrite engine that uses a leakage emulator which we amend to correctly emulate the micro-architecture of a target system. We use Rosita to automatically protect masked implementations of AES, ChaCha, and Xoodoo. For AES and Xoodoo, we show the absence of observable leakage at 1000000 traces with less than 21% penalty to the performance. For ChaCha, which has significantly more leakage, Rosita eliminates over 99% of the leakage, at a performance cost of 64%

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Favocado: Fuzzing the Binding Code of JavaScript Engines Using...

Sung Ta Dinh (Arizona State University), Haehyun Cho (Arizona State University), Kyle Martin (North Carolina State University), Adam Oest (PayPal, Inc.), Kyle Zeng (Arizona State University), Alexandros Kapravelos (North Carolina State University), Gail-Joon Ahn (Arizona State University and Samsung Research), Tiffany Bao (Arizona State University), Ruoyu Wang (Arizona State University), Adam Doupe (Arizona State University),…

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Impact Evaluation of Falsified Data Attacks on Connected Vehicle...

Shihong Huang (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), Yiheng Feng (Purdue University), Wai Wong (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), Qi Alfred Chen (UC Irvine), Z. Morley Mao and Henry X. Liu (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) Best Paper Award Runner-up ($200 cash prize)!

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CHANCEL: Efficient Multi-client Isolation Under Adversarial Programs

Adil Ahmad (Purdue University), Juhee Kim (Seoul National University), Jaebaek Seo (Google), Insik Shin (KAIST), Pedro Fonseca (Purdue University), Byoungyoung Lee (Seoul National University)

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Empirical Scanning Analysis of Censys and Shodan

Christopher Bennett, AbdelRahman Abdou, and Paul C. van Oorschot (School of Computer Science, Carleton University, Canada)

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