Cem Topcuoglu (Northeastern University), Kaan Onarlioglu (Akamai Technologies), Bahruz Jabiyev (Northeastern University), Engin Kirda (Northeastern University)

Web server fingerprinting is a common activity in vulnerability management and security testing, with network scanners offering the capability for over two decades. All known fingerprinting techniques are designed for probing a single, isolated web server. However, the modern Internet is made up of complex layered architectures, where chains of CDNs, reverse proxies, and cloud services front origin servers. That renders existing fingerprinting tools and techniques utterly ineffective.

We present the first methodology that can fingerprint servers in a multi-layer architecture, by leveraging the HTTP processing discrepancies between layers. This technique is capable of detecting both the server technologies involved and their correct ordering. It is theoretically extendable to any number of layers, any server technology, deployed in any order, but of course within practical constraints. We then address those practical considerations and present a concrete implementation of the scheme in a tool called Untangle, empirically demonstrating its ability to fingerprint 3-layer architectures with high accuracy.

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Large Language Model guided Protocol Fuzzing

Ruijie Meng (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Martin Mirchev (National University of Singapore), Marcel Böhme (MPI-SP, Germany and Monash University, Australia), Abhik Roychoudhury (National University of Singapore)

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EnclaveFuzz: Finding Vulnerabilities in SGX Applications

Liheng Chen (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences; School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute for Network Science and Cyberspace of Tsinghua University), Zheming Li (Institute for Network Science and Cyberspace of Tsinghua University), Zheyu Ma (Institute for Network Science and Cyberspace of Tsinghua University), Yuan Li (Tsinghua University),…

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Aligning Confidential Computing with Cloud-native ML Platforms

Angelo Ruocco, Chris Porter, Claudio Carvalho, Daniele Buono, Derren Dunn, Hubertus Franke, James Bottomley, Marcio Silva, Mengmei Ye, Niteesh Dubey, Tobin Feldman-Fitzthum (IBM Research)

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DynPRE: Protocol Reverse Engineering via Dynamic Inference

Zhengxiong Luo (Tsinghua University), Kai Liang (Central South University), Yanyang Zhao (Tsinghua University), Feifan Wu (Tsinghua University), Junze Yu (Tsinghua University), Heyuan Shi (Central South University), Yu Jiang (Tsinghua University)

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