Workshop on the Security of Space and Satellite Systems (SpaceSec) 2025 Program
Monday, 24 February
09:00 - 09:10
Chairs' Remarks
09:10 - 10:10
Keynote Address: NASA's core Flight System (cFS) 2.0 and Beyond by Dr. Ashok Prajapati (NASA)
10:10 - 10:40
Morning Break
Pacific Ballroom D
10:40 - 11:55
Paper Session 1
Eric Jedermann, Martin Böh (University of Kaiserslautern), Martin Strohmeier (armasuisse Science & Technology), Vincent Lenders (Cyber-Defence Campus, armasuisse Science & Technology), Jens Schmitt (University of Kaiserslautern)
Jose Luis Castanon Remy, Caleb Chang, Ekzhin Ear, Shouhuai Xu (University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS))
Roee Idan, Roy Peled, Aviel Ben Siman Tov, Eli Markus, Boris Zadov, Ofir Chodeda, Yohai Fadida (Ben Gurion University of the Negev), Oliver Holschke, Jan Plachy (T-Labs (Research & Innovation)), Yuval Elovici, Asaf Shabtai (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
12:00 - 13:30
Loma Vista Terrace and Harborside
13:30 - 14:45
Panel: The Space Security Priority: What Matters Most?
Ashok Prjapathi (NASA), Martin Strohmeier (Armasuisse), Stephen Schwab (USC ISI), Dan Wallach (DARPA)
Ashok Prjapathi (NASA), Martin Strohmeier (Armasuisse), Stephen Schwab (USC ISI), Dan Wallach (DARPA)
14:45 - 15:15
Afternoon Break
Pacific Ballroom D
15:15 - 16:55
Paper Session 2
Ioana Boureanu, Stephan Wesemeyer (Surrey Centre for Cyber Security, University of Surrey)
Stephan Havermans (IMDEA Software Institute), Lars Baumgaertner, Jussi Roberts, Marcus Wallum (European Space Agency), Juan Caballero (IMDEA Software Institute)
Fatemeh Khojasteh Dana, Saleh Khalaj Monfared, Shahin Tajik (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Cédric Solenthaler (ETH Zurich), Joshua Smailes (University of Oxford), Martin Strohmeier (armasuisse Science & Technology)
16:55 - 17:00
Closing Remarks